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About Ballet Folklorico Sangre Mestiza

Our History

Ballet Folklorico Sangre Mestiza was created by Clara Lopez in Escondido, CA. The group began in 2016 with a small group of less than 15 children, including Clara's daughter with Down syndrome. It was founded with the purpose of having a space where children could focus on the Cultural Arts of Mexico through discipline, socialization and dance.











Our goal is to spread culture to our future generations. We currently have more than 50 dancers and classes of different ages. We also have several dancers with disabilities, including autism and Down syndrome. We have participated in several events in San Diego County, including Ticitozaa Folklorico Festival, Mission San Luis Rey Dia de los Muertos, California State University, San Marcos Latinx Heritage Month Kickoff, and more.


Our Motto and Philosophy


At the heart of Ballet Folklórico Sangre Mestiza lies a deep commitment to embodying the rich tapestry of culture and history through our art. We believe in the triumvirate of Passion, Tradition and Discipline, which are the pillars that elevate our presentations and connect us with the essence of the folkloric spirit.




Passion fuels each of our steps, infusing every movement and gesture with life. We dance with a fire that burns from the depths, igniting the souls of both the performers and the audience. Our passion allows us to tell stories that transcend language, fostering a deep emotional connection that resonates across generations and cultures. Through each twist and leap, we channel the energy of our ancestors, expressing their joys, struggles, and celebrations. Our passion serves as a bridge, linking the past with the present and ensuring that the flames of tradition continue to flourish.




Tradition is the tapestry on which we weave our dances. We consider our cultural heritage a sacred treasure, which we preserve through the intricate choreography and vibrant costumes that adorn our performances. Our dances are a living tribute to the artisans, musicians and storytellers who have passed on their wisdom over the centuries. With unwavering dedication, we honor their legacy by paying homage to the distinct rhythms, movements, and stories that define our folkloric traditions. Tradition is the heartbeat of our art, and through our dances, we preserve the stories of our ancestors for generations to come.




Discipline is the foundation on which our art flourishes. We understand that to authentically express the spirit of our culture, we must hone our skills with unwavering diligence. Every practice session, every rehearsal, is an opportunity to refine our technique, to perfect our movements. Discipline is our compass, guiding us through the intricacies of each dance style and allowing us to manifest the essence of the folk stories we tell. It is through disciplined practice that we develop the strength, stamina, and mastery necessary to captivate audiences with the beauty of our performances.




In harmony, passion, tradition and discipline are intertwined to create a dance that transcends the stage. Ballet Folklórico Sangre Mestiza is a testament to the power of human expression and the timeless wisdom of cultures that have flourished over the centuries. We are not mere dancers; we are storytellers, cultural administrators and ambassadors of a living history. Through our commitment to passion, tradition and discipline, we invite the world to join us on a journey that celebrates the heart and soul of our heritage.

Meet the Team

The Ballet Folklórico Sangre Mestiza team is a harmonious combination of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring to life the vibrant and rich cultural heritage of traditional folkloric dance. Comprising a wide range of talents and experience, this team operates as a well-coordinated whole. Each member contributes their unique skills to ensure the success of the group.

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